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Sølvfargede Karafler, kanner & mugger

15 produkter
    Milkpot, Zwilling
    • Induksjon
    30% Deal
    244 kr349 kr
    1.5 l
    Milk pitcher Bialetti®, Bialetti
    25% Deal
    BialettiMilk pitcher Bialetti®
    149 krfra 199 kr
    30 cl50 cl
    Gravy boat doble wall, küchenprofi
    25% Deal
    küchenprofiGravy boat doble wall
    426 kr569 kr
    CafeSolo 1,0l black woven, Eva Solo
    30% Deal
    Eva SoloCafeSolo 1,0l black woven
    699 kr999 kr
    Grand Crus jug 1,0 l, Rosendahl
    25% Deal
    RosendahlGrand Crus jug 1,0 l
    711 kr949 kr
    1 L
    711 kr949 kr
    1 L
    389 kr649 kr
    1 L
    486 kr649 kr
    1 L
    486 kr649 kr
    1 L
    Heirol Vacuum Jug Stainless Steel  0,6 liter, Heirol
    20% Deal
    HeirolHeirol Vacuum Jug Stainless Steel0,6 liter
    796 kr995 kr
    0.6 l
    EM77 vacuum jug, 1 l., Stelton
    50% Deal
    SteltonEM77 vacuum jug, 1 l.
    749 kr1499 kr
    1 L
    749 kr1499 kr
    1 L
    629 kr899 kr
    1 L
    674 kr899 kr
    524 krfra 699 kr
    0.5 L1 L
    674 kr899 kr
    1 L
    899 kr
    1 L
    674 kr899 kr
    674 kr899 kr
    1 L
    449 kr899 kr
    1 L
    674 kr899 kr
    1 L
    449 kr899 kr
    1 L
    1199 kr1499 kr
    1000 ML
    Heirol Vacuum Jug Stainless Steel  1,0 liter, Heirol
    25% Deal
    HeirolHeirol Vacuum Jug Stainless Steel1,0 liter
    896 kr1195 kr
    1 l
    Arne Jacobsen tekanne 1.25 l. steel, Stelton
    25% Deal
    SteltonArne Jacobsen tekanne 1.25 l. steel
    2249 kr2999 kr
    Insulated Jug FIRENZE, stainless steel 1,0L, cilio
    50% Deal
    cilioInsulated Jug FIRENZE, stainless steel 1,0L
    284 kr569 kr
    1 l
    284 kr569 kr
    1 l
    284 kr569 kr
    1 l
    Milk pitcher, Joe Frex
    25% Deal
    Joe FrexMilk pitcher
    171 krfra 229 kr
    350 ml950 ml
    Karaffel dorotea, Gense
    30% Deal
    GenseKaraffel dorotea
    1049 kr1499 kr
    Pitcher Hilke x Moomin 1,5L, Hilke Collection
    30% Deal
    Hilke CollectionPitcher Hilke x Moomin 1,5L
    2485 kr3550 kr
    GC Lokk til vannkaraffel rustfritt stål, Rosendahl
    20% Deal
    RosendahlGC Lokk til vannkaraffel rustfritt stål
    159 kr199 kr
    8.5 cm
    Milkpot, Zwilling
    • Induksjon
    349 kr
    1.5 l