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Om produktet
Høyde: 5.2 cm
Bredde: 2.5 cm
Lengde: 17 cm
Materiale: fc61 micro carbide stål, mikarta
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MIYABI 5000 FCD. The core is embedded in 48 layers of steel which create each knife’s unique Damascus-design. The symmetrical cutting edge is Honbazuke honed. This three-stage grinding, sharpening and polishing process gives the knife razor-like sharpness. The entire length of the edge can be used to cut as there is no finger guard. The join between handle and bolster is completely smooth, which helps to prevent calluses forming on the thumb and forefinger and gives a comfortable grip. Hand wash only for best care and avoid cutting on glass, ceramic or stone boards as these will prematurely dull the edge. Maintain and sharpen using whetstones.
Santoku-kniver - Den japanske versjonen av en kokkekniv, utformet for å kutte opp grønnsaker, fisk og kjøtt. Det finnes knapt en mer allsidig kniv.