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Booknd - Bokstöd

1454 kr
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Detta set innehåller:
  • 2 x Booknd
Om produkten
  • Höjd: 18.5 cm
  • Bredd: 13.2 cm
  • Längd: 10 cm
  • Designer: Roel Vandebeek
  • Material: green marmor

Made of smooth, solid marble, Booknd communicates an immediate and naturally beautiful aesthetic. With its graphic forms, the bookends emphatically combine sof t, cylindrical shapes with consistent, straight lines, resulting in two decorative objects that have a visible mutual relationship. Although the Booknds are separated by books, they will always be visually connected, which strongly enhances the unity of the objects. A set of Booknd consists of one small and one large bookend. A part of the HIDN collection Booknd appears as a true demonstration of a fundamental pillar in the HIDN design language: Get ting more out of a product than initially planned. To obtain its basic function ef f iciently, a bookend needs a cer tain mass. A mass that, in this case, hides an additional piece, you can take out and use for a second bookend. Giving you t wo individual products instead of one without adding any additional material. With the HIDN approach, the Booknds both optimise the material and process while illustrating a transparent connection. Demonstrating the HIDN design language in a tangible and perceptible way.

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  • Tillverkare: WOUD A/S
  • Postadress: 8700
  • Elektronisk adress:
Artikelnummer:225789473 - 5712800028546