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Young mood Pure Control Moisturizing Mask
277 kr
370 kr
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Shoppa minst 2 varor för 699 kr eller mer. Gäller t.o.m. 2025-02-03 23:59 |
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  • Ger lyster
  • Återfuktande
  • Radiant
  • Naturligt lyster

Maximize your sense of self-care and moisture levels with a relaxing, balancing face mask. An all-natural glow-booster for your skin. Perfect for those who want to treat themselves to a cooling surprise. Every skin loves moisture - and in this case, the mask is instantly and intensely hydrating. The face mask contains a moisture magnet in the form of a 3D hydration concept to circulate moisture through all layers of the skin. This helps to strengthen the skin barrier and replenish the skin's internal water reserves. This also keeps the skin hydrated for longer periods of time. Pure Control Moisturizing Mask will not only give your skin some much-needed pampering but also boost your natural, radiant glow. An instantly refreshing way to build, restore and maintain your skin's moisture level as often as it needs it. Another benefit of the mask is its anti-inflammatory and healing properties for acne, blackheads and blemishes. The many organic plant extracts help to reduce excess oil in the skin and refresh your skin pores, leading to a reduction in blemishes – an amazing feature if you suffer from acne, problem skin or irritation. Pure Control Moisturizing Mask is perfume-free and vegan.

Apply a thin layer of the mask to the face, all the way up to the hairline and let it dry for 10-15 minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm water. Use a few times a week or as needed.
  • Tillverkare: Tromborg ApS
  • Postadress: 1256
  • Elektronisk adress:
Material: • amino acids including arginine, valine, glycine, proline
This impressive blend of amino acids boosts the skin's naturligt defenses, is an excellent aid for irritated skin
Amino acids maintain, improve the skin's appearance in terms of collagen, elasticity -, much more. • wild heather is known for its valuable anti-inflammatory properties, which are particularly nourishing for irritated skin, redness, help prevent impurities. • sea fennel acts as a naturligt vitamin a that soothes acne, problem skin, prevents clogged pores, strengthens the skin. • seaweed is rich in anti-inflammatory properties, vitamin b3. it helps prevent moisture loss, leaves your skin healthy, radiant, reducing redness, unclogging pores for a healthier texture. • algae live in extreme environmental conditions, are resistant to external factors, which benefits your skin
Algae re-energize, protect the skin med antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, moisturizing properties. • passionflower contains a seed olja that prevents the growth of bacteria on the skin, is particularly moisturizing, soothing
Contributes to a healthy complexion, soft, smooth skin
Nature's very own glow-booster!
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