Wheat Practical set of two wool cap in soft merino wool jersey for your baby. - 1 pcs in navy- 1 pcs in navy stripeWheats wool wear is specially designed to keep your child warm in the cold weather, while still keeping them from overheating, as wool has the unique quality that it helps regulate body temperature. The wool styles are great for layering and soft on bare skin.Wheats soft cap is comfortable to wear and is perfect for the cold autumn and winter season. A true essential for children, who need some extra warmth and protection around the ears, head and neck, when they are playing outside. It is available in beautiful colours and sweet hand drawn prints, which are made by Wheats in-house design team. Composition- Standard 100 by OEKO-TEX®- 100% Merino wool
Najważniejsze cechy
Made from soft merino wool
Two-pack set
Designed to keep babies warm
Helps regulate body temperature
Soft on bare skin
Available in various colors and prints
Docelowi odbiorcy
This set is perfect for parents who want to keep their babies warm and comfortable during the cold weather.
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