This seamless nursing bra is designed for comfort and support. It features a delicate lace trim and easy-to-open clips for breastfeeding. The bra is made from a soft and stretchy material that adapts to your changing body.
Najważniejsze cechy
Seamless design for a smooth look under clothing
Delicate lace trim adds a touch of femininity
Easy-to-open clips for breastfeeding
Soft and stretchy material for comfort and support
Docelowi odbiorcy
This bra is perfect for new mothers who are looking for a comfortable and supportive nursing bra.
Dbanie o bieliznę
Bielizna i bielizna są wyjątkowo delikatna i podatna na uszkodzenia. Dlatego zawsze pamiętaj, aby używać specjalnej torby do prania. W ten sposób zapobiegasz uszkodzeniu pralki przez metalowe zapięcia.