Babblarna - Lunchbox Stainless Steel - Beholdere for barnemat
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Shop minimum 2 varer for 699 kr eller mer. Gyldig til: 2025-02-03 23:59 |
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Om produktet
Materiale: 100% rustfritt stål med bambus lid
Må ikke håndvaskes eller maskinvaskes
Må ikke tørketromles
Skal ikke strykes
Skal ikke renses
Mål: 13 x 6 x 17 cm
Babblarna lunchbox in stainless steel comes with a playful motif featuring Babblarna on stainless steel and is an enironmentally friendly, sustainable and durable lunchbox. It is perfect to bring along on the outing or to playschool and by making this choice of stainless steel lunchbox you are contributing to less plastic in this world. The see through lid enables you to see the content. Free from BPA and it does not absorb nor emit any flavour. Wash by hand only. Volume 500 ml.