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Om produktet
Materiale: 50% baby alpakka, 50% extra fine merinoull
A classic large scarf in a luxury quality 50% baby alpaca and 50% extra fine merino wool.Due to the long and strong fibers this quality will show minimal peel, ensuring that your knitted garment will stay beautiful for a long time.Baby alpaca is not from the baby but from the softest area on the alpaca, the stomach.Baby alpaca is one of the softest quality wools. The wool is strong and soft.Alpaca wool is 5 times warmer than classic sheep wool.This scarf is produced in Europe and made from Italian yarn.Measurements: 40x190 cm
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Vi har alle en favoritt-ullgenser eller varm kåpe! Men visste du at i stedet for å vaske ullplagg, kan du bare lufte dem godt etter bruk? På denne måten blir du kvitt ubehagelig lukt uten å måtte legge den i vaskemaskinen.