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STOFF Nagel stand - Lysestaker

1830 kr

AKKURAT NÅ! 300 kr ekstra rabatt på din bestilling. Når du kjøper to varer eller mer og handler for minimum 1999 kr. Bruk koden: GIFT300 . Rabatten fordeles på alle varer i bestillingen din. Rabattkoden kan ikke kombineres med andre rabattkoder i kassen

Levering 1-4 arbeidsdager
Rask & gratis levering på bestillinger over 699 kr
Gratis retur
Gratis retur 30 dager
Om produktet
  • Høyde: 23 cm
  • ⌀: 17 cm
  • Materiale: zink legering med nickel plating

The stoff nagel stand is another rediscovering from the 1960s. it can be used on its own or with a number of stoff nagel candle holders and candles to create your own sculptural and extravagant candelabra. the stoff nagel stand invites you to be even more creative and to personalise your own sculpture by placing the candle holders and bowls in different ways on top of your stand.
you can easily remove candle drips by placing the candle holder in hot water. after removing drips you can polish your chrome stand with silver polish to remove small spots and bring back the shiny look.

  • Produsent: STOFF Nagel
  • Postadresse: Hans Broges Gade 20, 8000 Aarhus, Denmark
  • Elektronisk adresse:
Varenummer:223514575 - 5700002079541