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The Shadow T-light
594 kr
699 kr
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Shop minimum 2 varer for 699 kr eller mer. Gyldig til: 2025-02-03 23:59 |
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Om produktet
  • Høyde: 13 cm
  • Bredde: 8 cm
  • Materiale: krystall glass

The crystal Shadow T-lights are all about luxurious and decorative crystal pieces for everyday life.  Please note, that each candle holder is handmade, which may cause variation in size and color. Please note, the candle holder is made of solid crystal. Therefore, do not place it in direct heat of the sun because crystal can function as a magnifying glass. Also do not expose it to direct heat from the candle. Ensure not to burn the candle down to the crystal. Ensure to keep the candle holder out of reach from pets and children. Do not leave the candle burning unattended. Do not expose the candle holder to direct heat from its surroundings or near anything that may catch fire. Do not scratch the surface. Only clean with a dry cloth.

  • Produsent: Specktrum ApS
  • Postadresse: Søndergade 66, 2 tv, 8000 Aarhus
  • Elektronisk adresse:
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