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PU Rain Set Rec Warm Animal Susp104
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699 kr
999 kr
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Shop minimum 2 varer for 699 kr eller mer. Gyldig til: 2025-02-03 23:59 |
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Om produktet
  • Innefôr: 100% polyester
  • Yttermateriale: polyuretan ytre material, backside, 100% polyester
  • Vanntett: 8000 mm
  • Avtagbar hette
Defy the rain as a cheerful bunny in this feminine PU rainwear set from mikk-line with bunny details and warm fleece lining. Designed for children at age 1-10 years old (80-140 cm.) to have fun in the rain, jumping puddles, sliding down the wet slide, playing in the wet sandbox etc. These practical rain jacket and pants are made of waterproof fabric from 100% recycled PU material, and they of course without any harmful fluorine substances. In size 74-104, the pants have adjustable suspenders/braces with click buckles. In size 110-152, the pants have elasticated adjustable tabs inside the waistband and no suspenders/braces. EXCELLENT & FUNCTIONAL DESIGN - Solid coloured with a printed bunny and 3D bunny ears on the hood, as well as bow flap pockets. - Soft fleece lining around the neckline. - Smooth-running YKK zipper with a pull tab and chin protection that makes it easy and safe to open and close the jacket. - Elasticated cuffs at hands and feet further ensure a nice and reliable fit. - Detachable hood with snap buttons that are easy to pull off in case the child gets stuck. - Place the adjustable foot straps underneath the wellies/boots to prevent the pants from sliding up and keep the feet dry. - Name tag with room for more than one name, so please let it be re-loved. TECHNICAL ADVANTAGES - Windproof and insulating with filling and quilted lining that keeps the child warm and protected against the wind. - Waterproof with a water column pressure at 8,000 mm, which can keep the child dry in heavy rain. - Welded seams and zipper coverage for further waterproofing. - Durable and wear-resistant material. - Easy-to-clean and dirt repellent, which prolongs its use before a wash is needed. - The child is safer in the dark due to the 3M reflective details with a long-distance reflection. The reflective details are placed strategically for the child to be visible from every angle. MIKK-LINE CARES ABOUT CHILDREN’S FUTURE - Fabric made of 100% recycled PU material. - It is certified by OEKO-TEX® Standard 100 class 2 (from size 104), which guarantees that the product is free from harmful chemicals such as PFAS/fluorides. - It is made with nickel-free buttons and zipper to avoid allergies.
  • Vanntett og vindtett
  • Varmt fleecefôr
  • Avtakbar hette med 3D kaninører
  • Glatt glidelås
  • Elastiske mansjetter
  • Reflekterende detaljer
Dette regntøysettet er perfekt for barn som elsker å leke i regnet. Det er designet for barn i alderen 1-10 år.
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  • Produsent: LUXKIDS ApS
  • Postadresse: Løversysselvej 3C
  • Elektronisk adresse:
Mikk-Line har alltid blitt drevet av en ekte lidenskap for utvikling og produksjon av premium yttertøy og accessoarer til aktive barn. Hver gang de skaper en ny kolleksjon, arbeider de hardt for å overgå den tidligere ved å bruke nye funksjonelle detaljer og design - kun de nyeste produksjonsmetoder og beste materialene blir brukt.
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