U M Flexi Chute POW AOP SNOW - Skjerf & Halsvarmer
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339 kr
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Om produktet
Materiale: 100% ull exclusive of decoration
Dette er et Unisexprodukt
Finvask ved maks. 40˚C
Tørketromles ved lav innstilling eller maks. 60 °C.
Strykes på maks. 110 °C
Rensing anbefales
Use it as a neck-warmer, twist it into a beanie, pull it up as a facemask or a sunshade, or fold it into a headband—the Merino 200 Flexi Chute Protect Our Winters AOP is versatile and comfortable merino headwear for four seasons worth of adventures. The Flexi features 100% merino wool jersey fabric for natural softness, breathability, and odour resistance. Part of a collab capsule between icebreaker and Protect Our Winters, the chute's all-over print draws inspiration from the beauty and fragility of the world's glaciers in the face of climate change.
Inspired by nature, icebreaker harnesses the performance qualities of natural fibres to offer an alternative to clothing based on petrochemical synthetics. Merino wool is an annually renewable fibre that naturally resists odours, keeps you cool when it’s hot and warm when it’s not, and lets your skin breathe for comfort all day, every day.
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