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Dahlbergs Scandinavia

559 kr
699 kr
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Shop minimum 2 varer for 699 kr eller mer. Gyldig til: 2025-02-03 23:59 |
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Experience a stylish and efficient hair clipper DAHLBERGS SCANDINAVIA LOKE. With stainless steel blades, it guarantees precision and durability with every use. Its ergonomic design makes it comfortable to hold and easy to maneuver, making haircuts a smooth experience. With a speed of 6000 rpm, you can be sure the clipper delivers powerful and fast cutting. The blade width is 37 mm and the cutting height without a comb is 0.8 mm, providing precise and even trimming. Additionally, LOKE comes with three comb attachments (1, 2, and 3 mm) for different length settings, giving you the flexibility to create various hairstyles. The impressive 90-minute usage time after a 120-minute charge with the included USB-C cable makes charging easy and convenient. The modern design with a sleek finish and a clear digital display showing battery levels ensures you always know when to recharge. • Stainless steel blades • Ergonomic design • 6000 rpm speed • Three length settings • 90-minute usage time
Make sure your hair is clean and combed for best results. Choose the comb that fits your desired cutting length and attach it to the clipper. For a very short trim, you can use the clipper without a comb. Turn on the clipper and move it slowly through your hair with smooth motions, starting at the sides and working around the head. For an even cut, work in small sections and go over each area multiple times if needed. After use, thoroughly clean the clipper by removing hair residue from the blades and comb. Keep the device clean to extend its lifespan and ensure it functions optimally with each use. Store the clipper in a dry and safe place when not in use, and ensure it is charged and ready for the next cut.
  • Produsent: House of Regalo
  • Postadresse: Stämpelgatan 7, 50464 Borås
  • Elektronisk adresse:
Materiale: rustfritt stål, keramikk blade, plast housing, elektroniske komponenter
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