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Ski Jacket - Quilt -AOP - Vinterjakke

689 kr
1149 kr
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AKKURAT NÅ! 300 kr ekstra rabatt på din bestilling. Når du kjøper to varer eller mer og handler for minimum 1999 kr. Bruk koden: GIFT300 . Rabatten fordeles på alle varer i bestillingen din. Rabattkoden kan ikke kombineres med andre rabattkoder i kassen

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Levering 1-4 arbeidsdager
Rask & gratis levering på bestillinger over 699 kr
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Gratis retur 30 dager
Om produktet
  • Materiale: 100% polyester
  • Vanntett: 10000 mm
  • Avtagbar hette
  • Finvask ved maks. 30 °C
  • Tørketromles ved lav innstilling eller maks. 60 °C.
  • Strykes på maks. 110 °C
  • Skal ikke renses
Warm tailored quilted jacket with all-over print in durable and partly recycled material, coated with BIONIC FINISH® ECO. The material is breathable, windproof and waterproof, so your child can stay out in rain, snow and wind without getting cold and wet. Tested wear resistance of 30,000 rubs, water column pressure of 10,000 mm. and breathability of 3,000g. The jacket closes with quality zips at the front and at the outer pockets. The chin protector ensures that the zipper feels soft under the chin. The jacket has a removable hood. Reflective details on the back and on the sleeve for increased visibility. With inside name tag for easy identification. Certified acc. to GRS - Made with 63% Recycled Material CERES-0366
  • Quiltet design
  • All-over-trykk
  • Hette
  • Glidelåslukking
  • Mykt og slitesterkt materiale
Dersom du vil lese guiden vår om hvordan vanntetthetsskalaen fungerer, klikk her
  • Produsent: Brands4kids A/S
  • Postadresse: Industrivej 25, 7430 Ikast
  • Elektronisk adresse:
Varenummer:229720280 - 5714999557968