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Peppa Pig

Peppa Pig Learn to count - Lærerike spill
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Om produktet
  • Advarsel: Ikke egnet for barn under tre år
  • Do your children love numbers and are eager to learn everything about numbers?Then you have found the perfect puzzle! The game box contains 10 mini puzzles which only have two pieces each. A left piece with a number and a right piece with small illustrations. With these cute puzzles with XXX, the kids need to match numbers with the illustrated cards. For example, if the child picks a puzzle with the number 6, then the child must search for a piece that has 6 different illustrations. So, the child actually has to count the small images to find the matching card. Continue the play until the child has matched all 10 mini puzzles. These little puzzles are simple and easy to understand and are ideal for young children.Puzzles are a really good learning equipment for your child. When we play with puzzles, we use both hemispheres of the brain, as we both have to visualize/imagine what the puzzles are going to look like when assembled whilst having to figure out which pieces should be placed right or left, up or down. Especially the youngest children have to have both hemispheres stimulated, at an early age, as that is where their brains are evolving the most. There are many advantages to laying puzzles including the development of the child
  • Materiale: papp
  • Peppa Pig
  • Produsent: Barbo Toys ApS
  • Postadresse: Krogholmgårdsvej 4A
  • Elektronisk adresse:
Varenummer:223087179 - 5704976089735