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FROZEN - 3 pcs set
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143 kr
179 kr
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Shop minimum 2 varer for 699 kr eller mer. Gyldig til: 2025-02-03 23:59 |
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Settet inneholder:
  • 3
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Om produktet
  • Materiale: melamine
  • Uten BPA
  • Frozen

MELAMINE SET FROZEN II | Super cute dining set with detailed motifs of Elsa and Anna from the Disney movie Frozen that will make any meal a little more fun for the kids.
This dining set is a perfect start for when the little one starts eating on their own. The dining set is made of melamine (BPA free) which is practical, durable and is absolutely essential for everyday life, picnics and much more. The dining set gives a feeling of a great finish and an incredibly good quality. Children will love to have their very own adorable, decorated dining set with Elsa and Anna from the Disney movie Frozen. This dining set is an amazing gift idea for christening, birthdays, or Christmas.
Barbo Toys products are designed with passion in Denmark and prioritize sustainability and high-quality materials and innovative game ideas that are intended to support and stimulate the child's imagination and learning development.
The dining set includes a cup, a plate, a bowl. BPA-free and is safe to put in the dishwasher but not the microwave.

  • Produsent: Barbo Toys ApS
  • Postadresse: Krogholmgårdsvej 4A
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