Švelnus skalbimas ne aukštesnėje nei 40 ˚C temperatūroje
Negalima džiovinti elektrinėje džiovyklėje
Nevalyti sausuoju (cheminiu) būdu
Prekės informacija
This pack of socks is perfect for kids who love to express themselves. The socks feature a variety of fun and stylish patterns, including stripes, stars, and zebra prints. Made from a blend of cotton, polyamide, and elastane, these socks are soft, comfortable, and durable. They are also machine washable for easy care.
Pagrindinės savybės
Five pairs of socks in a pack
Variety of fun and stylish patterns
Soft, comfortable, and durable
Machine washable
Tikslinė auditorija
These socks are perfect for kids who love to express themselves through their clothing.
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