The 200 Oasis shorts are made from Icebreaker's most versatile jersey fabric, a blend of merino wool. They are designed to be worn as a base layer for all types of activities, year-round. The shorts feature merino wool's natural stretch, breathability, and odor resistance, providing partial insulation regardless of the season. The shorts are made from a renewable resource and are naturally odor-resistant, keeping you cool when it's hot and warm when it's cold. They also allow your skin to breathe for long-lasting comfort.
Mes visi turime mėgstamą vilnonį mezginį arba šiltą paltą! Bet ar žinote, kad, užuot skalbę, vilnonius drabužius po dėvėjimo galite tiesiog išvėdinti? Taip atsikratysite nemalonaus kvapo ir drabužio nereikės skalbti skalbimo mašinoje.