Didesnės nei 59 € vertės užsakymai pristatomi nemokamai
Nemokamas prekių grąžinimas
Nemokamas prekių grąžinimas per 30 dienų
Apie prekę
Išorinis sluoksnis medžiaga: 100% medvilnė, pamušalas 100% poliesteris
Prekės informacija
This warming collar is a stylish and practical way to keep your little one's neck warm during the colder months. It is made from soft and comfortable materials, and features a beautiful floral pattern. The collar is designed to fit snugly around your child's neck, providing warmth and protection from the elements.
Pagrindinės savybės
Made from soft and comfortable materials
Features a beautiful floral pattern
Designed to fit snugly around your child's neck
Provides warmth and protection from the elements
Tikslinė auditorija
This warming collar is perfect for parents who want to keep their little ones warm and stylish during the colder months.
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