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Thermo Jacket Loui
6.749 kr8.999 kr
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Verslaðu að lágmarki 2 vörur fyrir 9700 kr eða meira! Gildir til: 2024-12-08 23:59 |
Afhending 2-3 virkir daga
Fast delivery - Shipping fee 1.590 kr
Auðveld skil
Auðveld skil 30 daga
Til 15. janúar
Reflective detailingReflective detailing
Synthetic insulationSynthetic insulation
Um vöruna
  • Innra fóður: 100% pólýester (endurunnið)
  • Ytra efni: 100% recycled polyester
  • Hrindir frá sér óhreinindum
Upplýsingar um vöru

Our bestselling Thermo Jacket for children.- Rib collar- Rib cuff with thumb hole- Open welted pocket at the side seam- Zipper with chin guard- ReflectorsWheat’s popular thermo wear for children is a true everyday favourite, as the soft and lightweight material makes it comfortable to move and play in. The thermo jacket is produced in 100% recycled polyester and can be used as a cozy layer indoor and as practical transitional outerwear. It is not waterproof but is water repellent and is suitable for damp weather. The thermo jacket can easily be styled with the matching thermo pants or you can mix and match with one of our other thermo pants in solid colours or prints to complete the look. It is great for in between seasons, when your child needs some lighter outerwear or as an extra layer underneath rainwear or technical outerwear on colder days. The jacket is available in beautiful colours and hand drawn prints made by Wheat’s in-house design team. The product is GRS certified.Certified by CUC license no. 1198955Technical details- 3-layer material for the ultimate isolation - Water repellent (not waterproof)- Florine-free (BIONIC-FINISH® ECO) - PFC-free ---- Standard 100 by OEKO-TEX®- 100% Recycled polyester

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