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Sandal Closed Toe Sky Flower
10.499 kr13.999 kr
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Verslaðu að lágmarki 2 vörur fyrir 9700 kr eða meira! Gildir til: 2024-12-08 23:59 |
Afhending 2-3 virkir daga
Fast delivery - Shipping fee 1.590 kr
Auðveld skil
Auðveld skil 30 daga
Til 15. janúar
Um vöruna
  • Efri: 100% leður
  • Efra fóður: króm, málmur frjáls tanned leður
  • Innsólín: soft latex innsólín lined málmurð króm, málmur frjáls tanned leður
  • Ytri sólín: endurunnið tr gúmmí
  • Please note a recommended allowance for growth: 1-1,5 cm
  • Framleitt í Portúgal
Upplýsingar um vöru

Cute pre-walker sandals with practical velcro closure for your toddler. - Two velcro straps - Closed toe and heel- Decorative flower on the strapThe Sky pre-walker sandal has two adjustable velcro straps across the foot and a closed heel that make them easy to step into and give them lots of adjustability for the perfect fit. It has a closed toe to offer some extra protection. As a lovely detail, we have decorated the strap with a cute flower.Wheat’s pre-walkers are lightweight, flexible and comfortable for your child to wear and are made to protect the tiny feet, when they go off on their first adventures. This pre-walker sandal is made in natural leather with suede details tanned in LWG tanneries. The leather is tanned without the use of chrome and metals and can therefore get a lovely natural patina over time. To make sure that no toxic materials touch the skin, we have lined our sandals with chrome and metal free leather lining. The insoles are made with latex and covered with chrome and metal free tanned leather. Latex is a natural product that has a lot of bounce for more comfortable steps. The outsole is made of recycled TR, which is very light and offers great traction and flexibility.The sandals are unisex and normal in size. They have a comfortable fit with a great grip around the foot, which gives the children the freedom to move and play carefree. They are perfect f

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