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Auðveld skil 30 daga
Um vöruna
Snið: Venjulegt
Fóður: pólýester
Smáatriði: 18, 6 cm
Efri: gúmmí
Efra fóður: pólýester
Millisóli: gúmmí
Útsóli: other
Innsólín: detachable
Millisólín: gúmmí
Ytri sólín: gúmmí
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Upplýsingar um vöru
Vendela is a classic rubber rain boot, with a modern silhouette for a mature look that completes any wet weather outfit. Vendela is handcrafted from durable natural rubber, is 100% waterproof, and a fit designed for small feet. Rubber lugs on the outsole are designed to provide extra traction in wet weather so kids never have to slow down!