TÍMABUNDIÐ TILBOÐ! 2,999 kr. auka afsláttur af pöntun þinni þegar keyptar er tvær eða fleiri vörur fyrir 26,499 kr. Notaðu kóðann: GIFTNOW. Tilboðið er ekki hægt að sameina með öðrum kóðum við greiðslu. Afslættinum er dreift yfir allar vörurnar þínar.
Veldu stærð
Afhending 2-3 virkir dagar*
Hröð afhending
Sendingarkostnaður frá 1.590 kr
Auðveld skil
Auðveld skil 30 daga
Um vöruna
Efni: 88% recycled polyester
Efni: 12% elastan
Membrane: hitadeigt pólýúretan film
Efni: 235 gr
Efni: 100% recycled polyester backing
Upplýsingar um vöru
Empower your child to stretch their limits on the playground while keeping them protected from the elements with this flexible outerlayer. Your child will appreciate Play Softshell Jacket’s cozy and comfortable microfleece liner, which helps to insulate in cooler weather, as well as the removeable hood and pockets to help keep the hands and head warm. The outer fabric is made of a soft and stretchy 100% recycled polyester softshell material, which provides protection from wet and windy weather while enabling excellent range of motion to make sure nothing gets in the way of your child’s play.
Mjúkt og þægilegt efni
Tveir rennilásahólf
Waterproof rating
If you want to read our guide about how waterproof ratings work, click HERE