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Efri: gúmmí
Efra fóður: ull, pólýester
Innsólín: etýlen-vinýl asetat
Millisólín: gúmmí
Ytri sólín: gúmmí
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Upplýsingar um vöru
Alv Indie Warm Moomin is a classic, functional and fun rubber boot for small kids that love playing in the rain, only now they can take their favorite character with them! Easy to get on and comfortable to wear, Alv Indie Warm Moomin is perfect for cold, wet days! Alv Indie Warm Moomin is a low shaft, insulated rubber boot with temperature-regulating insoles and warm wool lining that keep warmth in! Slush and rain stay out with a gusset and laces! These boots have a standard fit last and are constructed from natural rubber, which is elastic, durable, and waterproof. The sole is non-marking, and the inner sole is removable for easy drying. These boots are PVC-free and vegan!