Verslaðu að lágmarki 2 vörur fyrir 9700 kr eða meira! Gildir til: 2024-12-08 23:59 |
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Til 15. janúar
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Um vöruna
Aðvörun: Attach this toy out of the reach of the child. To prevent possible injury by entanglement, remove this toy when the child starts trying to get up on its hands and knees in a crawling position.
Efni: 100% lífrænn bómull
Fylling: 100% endurunnið pólýester
Efni: tré
Upplýsingar um vöru
The knitted toy collection is a range of toys that breathe purity and is here to entertain, ease and relax newborns. This soft, cute plush toy has rich textures and is made of organic cotton with filling made from recycled materials. What is not to love!
The nuanced colours of the friendly plush toys are aligned with the nursery Bliss collections so parents can combine them beautifully, forming part of a peaceful and harmonious whole. The rich knitted textures and the pompons complement the soft colours, creating the most wonderful interiors. Little fingers will also enjoy discovering the different sensations of touch with the various fabrics used. With all these features, this range is the perfect blend between parents' desires and babies’ necessities.