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Nordic Winter Seasonal Giftset
6.816 kr9.089 kr
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Verslaðu að lágmarki 2 vörur fyrir 9700 kr eða meira! Gildir til: 2024-12-08 23:59 |
Afhending 2-3 virkir daga
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Auðveld skil
Auðveld skil 30 daga
Til 15. janúar
  • 3-pack
  • JUL: Baked gingerbread and winter cloves, spiced oranges and mulled wine. SNÖ: Frozen forests and frosted berries, the sharp, fresh breath of subzero skies.
Upplýsingar um vöru

JUL: Baked gingerbread and winter cloves, spiced oranges and mulled wine.
SNÖ: Frozen forests and frosted berries, the sharp, fresh breath of subzero skies.
Embark on a sensory journey through the Nordic winter combining the spectacular drama of the Arctic landscape, the subtle scent of crisp, fresh snow, and the vibrant warmth of Christmas traditions. A collection of 3 special edition scented candles of Swedish rapeseed wax with engraved beechwood lids.
JUL - Scandinavian for ‘Christmas’
Glowing windows in the darkness, generations gathered in harmony and tradition, Christmas treats tempting on the hearth.
SNÖ - Swedish for ‘snow’
Nature’s treasured light through the deep Scandinavian winter, a shining frosted blanket against the dominating darkness.

B Corp™
"Þetta merki er B Corp™. Vottuð B Corporations™ fyrirtæki eru hagnaðardrifin en nota afl viðskiptanna til að byggja upp hagkerfi sem tekur meira tillit til allra sem eru hluti af B Corp Certification™ er merking þess að fyrirtæki uppfylli háa staðla um sannreynda frammistöðu, ábyrgð og gagnsæi varðandi allt frá kjörum starfsmanna og fjárframlögum til aðfangakeðjuvenja og efna. Frá og með 2024 eru meira en 250 B Corps í snyrtivöruiðnaðinum og meira en 8000 B Corps á heimsvísu.
Hvernig skal nota:
We recommend you burn this candle for no longer than 3 hours at a time, or until the melt pool reaches the glass edge, to keep the wax from tunneling. Let the wax cool and trim the wick to 0.5cm before relighting. Always leave 0.5cm of unmolten wax at the base of the candle to prevent prolonged exposure of direct heat to the glass and surface below. The wooden lids are designed to be used as a base for the lit candle to help protect from sensitive surfaces, and as a snuffer to extinguish the flame. We recommend you wash and reuse the glass for tealights or storage, or sort and recycle after use.
Sjá meira frá sömu vörulínu hér
Efni: a collection of 3 special edition scented candles of swedish rapeseed vax með engraved beechwood lids.
Hröð og einföld afhending
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