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TRIUMPH 22 - Hlaupaskór

32.999 kr
Afhending 2-3 virkir dagar*
Hröð afhending - Meðhöndlunargjald frá 1.590 kr
Auðveld skil
Auðveld skil 30 daga
Um vöruna
  • Smáatriði: • neutral cushioning shoes have a traditional hourglass shape to provide a well cushioned ride but málmurð a nimble transition frá heel to toe. • a full stack of pwrrun pb, one of our most responsive, energy efficient foams originally designed for the world’s best marathoners, now tuned to provide the everyday runner málmurð luxurious comfort. • xt-900 kolefni gúmmí útsólín for unmatched protection, durability. • breathable engineered mesh that is soft, comfortable, perfect for everyday wear.
  • Efri: 100% recycled polyester
  • Efra fóður: 100% pólýester
  • • neutral cushioning shoes have a traditional hourglass shape to provide a well cushioned ride but með a nimble transition frá heel to toe. • a full stack of pwrrun pb, one of our most responsive, energy efficient foams originally designed for the world’s best marathoners, now tuned to provide the everyday runner með luxurious comfort. • xt-900 kolefni gúmmí útsóli for unmatched protection, durability. • breathable engineered mesh that is soft, comfortable, perfect for everyday wear.
  • Innsólín: 100% etýlen-vinýl asetat
  • Millisólín: 100% peba
  • Ytri sólín: 100% gúmmí
  • Drop: 9-10 mm
  • Running type: Long distance
  • Neutral
  • Handþvottur
  • Setjið ekki í þurrkara
  • Strauið ekki
  • Notið ekki þurrhreinsun
Upplýsingar um vöru

The totally transformed Triumph 22 takes the feeling of a better foam to the next level, infusing a dose of joy into every stride. Engineered for those who know running is a source of happiness, and that looking good is feeling great, this revolutionized running shoe features PWRRUN PB - our signature foam that packs in more cushioning and energy return than ever. Discover the new Triumph style and construction that makes every run a certifiably cushy experience and prompts a smile with every step.

Upplýsingar um framleiðanda
  • Framleiðandi: Wolverine Europe B.V
  • Póstfang: Flemingstraat 5-A
  • Rafrænt heimilisfang:
Vörunúmer:228421915 - 0195020536315