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GC Nouveau Grinder H17 smoke - Kryddkvarnir
4.292 kr
4.769 kr
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Um vöruna
  • Hæð: 17 cm
  • ⌀: 7.5 cm
  • Hönnuður: Rosendahl
  • Efni: machine-blown gler, plast, patínerað stál
  • Má ekki fara í uppþvottavél
  • Má ekki fara í örbylgjuofn
Upplýsingar um vöru

Beautiful quality glass, an elegant dark grey smoke colour, a durable and functional top in black plastic and patinated steel – and minimalist grooves. With the new Grand Cru Nouveau grinder in smoked glass, you get a functional, modern and stylish reinterpretation of the iconic Grand Cru series. The four iconic Grand Cru grooves have now become 50 grooves, where the many repeating grooves create a vivid appearance and a clever optical play of colour when the light is reflected in the glass. As well as being decorative, the grooves are also functional and ensure a good grip for both big and little hands. The Grand Cru Nouveau grinder measures 17 cm in height and with geometric elegance in style, structure and colour, the smoked glass and black top create a unique look that accentuates the Grand Cru design. And as with its predecessor, the classic Grand Cru grinder, the grinder itself is placed at the top of the Grand Cru Nouveau grinder – a design that effortlessly balances aesthetics and function because it allows you to place it on the table without it leaving any residues.

B Corp™
"Þetta merki er B Corp™. B Corp Certification™ er merking þess að fyrirtæki uppfylli háa staðla um sannreynda frammistöðu, ábyrgð og gagnsæi varðandi allt frá kjörum starfsmanna og fjárframlögum til aðfangakeðjuvenja og efna. Frá og með 2024 eru meira en 450 B Corps í fata-, leður-, skartgripa- og húsgagnaiðnaðinum og meira en 8000 B Corps á heimsvísu.
Sjá meira frá sömu vörulínu hér
Upplýsingar um framleiðanda
  • Framleiðandi: Rosendahl Design Group AS
  • Póstfang: Slotsmarken 1, 2970 Hörsholm, Danmark
  • Rafrænt heimilisfang:
Vörunúmer:226518032 - 5709513157533