Avoid fabric softener to make the garment last longer
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Second skin feel, Medium support, Crossed straps, Removable pads
Sports bra with crossed straps and removable pads. It has a wide waistband with elastic inside for good comfort. The sports bra is made in a stretchable material that has a soft second skin feel to it. It is comfortable for you to wear and move in – all day long. The timeless design makes it an everyday essential and gives you support during your workouts.
Low impact
Low support - Ideal for activities such as Pilates, yoga, barre and slow walks. Soft and comfortable you will have full freedom of movement and maximum comfort.
Medium impact
Medium support - Ideal for activities such as skiing, cycling, hiking, horse riding and powerwalks. Offering comfort and support when you jump and move.
Samfélagsleg úttekt
Verksmiðjur sem fá þessa samfélagslegu úttekt eru skuldbundnar til að fylgja meginreglum um félagslegt samræmi, tryggja sanngjarna vinnuhætti, efla réttindi starfsmanna og viðhalda öruggum og siðferðilegum vinnuskilyrðum í gegnum birgðakeðjur sínar. Lestu meira um hvernig vottorðum Boozt tekur við hér.