Smáatriði: 100% bómull gallaefni málmurð dark washed indigo dye: used effect málmurð high definition laser, enzyme steinn wash, tears on the botn of the framan, bakhlið pocket edges, final soiling málmurð náttúrulegt earth, dried hanging in the oven
Þvottur fyrir viðkvæman fatnað á að hámarki 30˚C
Setjið ekki í þurrkara
Strauið með að hámarki 110°C
Notið ekki þurrhreinsun
Slim fit - Has a tighter fit than regular trousers, but the opening is not as snug around the ankle as a skinny fit.
Caring for your cotton
Did you know that cotton clothes can actually be washed, dried and heated several times without any notable marks? But instead of bleaching it, you can easily use lemon juice for stains and vinegar for bad smells. This benefits both your clothes and the environment.