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Smart wall-mounted laundry basket - Þvottakörfur

34.900 kr
Afhending 2-3 virkir daga
Fast delivery - Shipping fee 1.590 kr
Auðveld skil
Auðveld skil 30 daga
Needs assemblyNeeds assembly
Um vöruna
  • Hæð: 70 cm
  • Breidd: 43 cm
  • Hönnuður: Tenna Holdorff Christiansen
  • Varaþyngd: 4 kg
  • Efni: fsc löggilt tré, gots löggilt textíl bag
  • Mál: 43 x 70 x 30 cm
  • Rúmmál: 70 l
Upplýsingar um vöru

Stylish Sorting and Storage Solution
We are pleased to introduce our stylish, wall-mounted laundry basket, which, with its Nordic design, beautiful colors, and focus on functionality, is both practical, simple, and delightful.
At ReCollector, we develop products based on everyday needs, design, and, not least, with consideration for our environment. Ever since the launch of our popular sorting boxes, there has been a high demand for a larger laundry solution.
With ReCollector's laundry basket, you get a solution that is light and airy in its expression. It is wall-mounted, making it convenient for a bathroom or utility room, particularly when it comes to cleaning and moisture. At the same time, you save space compared to more traditional round laundry baskets and ensure a decorative and neat solution for your home.
The laundry basket can be used in combination with ReCollector's sorting boxes to create a framework for a personal and stylish washing station, where small and large boxes form a beautiful and practical frame. Additionally, the solution is perfect for a teenager's room or bedroom, where the laundry basket is a stylish addition that solves a practical daily challenge. With its clever push-lock, you can easily open the box, sort the laundry, and transport it from point A to point B.
As usual, we consider the environment, and the box is made of FSC-certified wood in Poland. The linen-colored bag inside the box is sewn from GOTS-certified fabric and laminated with a light plastic layer. This material ensures that the bag also retains moisture from wet laundry.
The wall-mounted solution also saves space compared to traditional round laundry baskets and makes floor cleaning easier. You can even use the surface as a shelf for decorative items.
All in all, our wall-mounted laundry basket is the perfect combination of style and functionality for your home.

Lífræn bómull

Þessi vara hefur farið í gegnum vottunarferli sem beinist að öllu textílframleiðsluferlinu, frá ræktun trefjanna til vinnslu og framleiðslu textílsins. Það krefst þess að lífrænar trefjar séu notaðar, forðunar skaðlegra efna og að starfsfólk hljóti sanngjarna meðferð. Nánari upplýsingar um þessa vöru er að finna í samsetningu efnisins hér fyrir ofan. Þú getur lesið meira um hvaða vottanir Boozt hefur hér.

Ábyrg skógrækt

Þessi vara hefur gengist undir vottunarferli sem leggur áherslu á enga eyðingu skóga, samfélagsréttindi, verndun á líffræðilegum fjölbreytileika og sanngjörn laun. Nánari upplýsingar um þessa vöru er að finna í samsetningu efnisins hér fyrir ofan. Þú getur lesið meira um hvaða vottanir Boozt hefur hér.

Upplýsingar um framleiðanda
  • Framleiðandi: ReCollector
  • Póstfang: Bakkegårdsvej 24
  • Rafrænt heimilisfang:
Vörunúmer:228025847 - 5745000572250