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Ralph Lauren Home

POLOPLAY Handtowel
3.487 kr
4.359 krÞú sparar 872 kr
Afhending 2-3 virkir daga
Fast delivery - Shipping fee 1.590 kr
Auðveld skil
Auðveld skil 30 daga
Til 15. janúar
Um vöruna
  • Efni: 100% bómull
  • Mál: 50 x 100 cm
  • Fjöldi þráða: 600
Upplýsingar um vöru

Known for a colourful palette that is both exuberant and unparalleled in breadth, the Ralph Lauren Polo shirt has inspired the collection's 16 new hues. An iconic symbol of American culture, the polo shirt is an authentic expression of optimism and timeless design, which is reflected in this range of bath towels. The pairing of each towel's colour and embroidered polo player emblem mirrors the signature colour combinations of the iconic shirt. Crafted from sumptuous cotton and adorned with a dobby inspired by the pique texture of the Polo shirt, the bath towels exude luxury and comfort. Elevate your daily routine and transform your bathroom into a sanctuary of elegance and relaxation. Contrasting embroidered logo Textured border Fast absorbing Certified Made in Green by OEKO-TEX® Towel weight - 600g/m²

Did you know that cotton clothes actually can be washed, dried and heated several times without any notable marks? But instead of bleaching it, you can easily use lemon juice for stains and vinegar for bad smell. This both benefits your clothes and the environment.
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