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Auðveld skil 30 daga
Til 15. janúar
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  • Efri: rúskinn efri
  • Efra fóður: mesh
  • This is a Unisex product
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The PUMA archive is full of a wide spectrum of shoes for all purposes and activities with the PUMA Delphin being one of them. It was released throughout the 1970s and 80s in numerous design variations, as the brand was experimenting with production in different countries and alternative sole units, techniques, materials and profiles. Arriving here in the 1977 version, it was sitting on the iconic textured PUMA Contact sole No. II and shares some similarities with the Bluebird model through the way the upper is constructed. The eyestay extends as toe overlay all the way to the front of the shoe and the PUMA Fers-O-Til (FOT) provided excellent heel support. A classic trainer and silhouette which to this day holds a special appeal for connoisseurs far and wide. The Delphin is executed with a full suede upper and leather formstripe.

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