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Take care of your hands with this wonderful certified organic hand cream, Linen Dew, from Meraki which smells amazing. The hand cream care, moisturise and soften the hands without being greasy due to the organic aloe vera, avocado oil and cocoa butter which the hand cream is made of. Linen Dew comes in a practical size so you can easily bring it when you find yourself on the road. Use the hand cream as needed when your hands need extra moisture and care. It is suitable for everyday use and for all skin types.
The COSMOS vottunin staðfestir lífrænar og náttúrulegar fegrunar- og snyrtivörur. Hún setur ströng viðmið fyrir öflun innihaldsefna og framleiðsluferla til að virða líffræðilegan fjölbreytileika og heilsu manna. Hlutfall lífrænna innihaldsefna er að finna á merkimiðanum.