Gift box, Tangled Woods, Simple hand care, White - Bað & líkami sett
2.799 kr
3.999 kr
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Þetta sett inniheldur:
2 x 275 ml
Skin typeHúðgerð
All Skin types
Upplýsingar um vöru
Nothing is better than giving a gift to someone you love. This gift box from Meraki takes care of your everyday hand care needs with a hand soap and a hand lotion. Both are certified organic and come with the Tangled Woods scent with notes of star anise, peppermint, patchouli and wood. The hand soap contains extracts from cloudberry and organic mango while the hand lotion softens your hands with organic jojoba oil.
The COSMOS vottunin staðfestir lífrænar og náttúrulegar fegrunar- og snyrtivörur. Hún setur ströng viðmið fyrir öflun innihaldsefna og framleiðsluferla til að virða líffræðilegan fjölbreytileika og heilsu manna. Hlutfall lífrænna innihaldsefna er að finna á merkimiðanum.
Nothing is better than giving a gift to someone you love. This gift box from Meraki takes care of your everyday hand care needs with a hand soap and a hand lotion. Both are certified organic and come with the Tangled Woods scent with notes of star anise, peppermint, patchouli and wood. The hand soap contains extracts from cloudberry and organic mango while the hand lotion softens your hands with organic jojoba oil.