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Gift box, Herbal nest, Dish wash essentials - Uppþvottalögur

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2.729 kr3.899 kr
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Verslaðu að lágmarki 2 vörur fyrir 9700 kr eða meira! Gildir til: 2024-10-01 22:59 |
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Um vöruna
  • Contains: 15-30% anionic surfactants (sodium laureth sulfatel, <5% non-ionic surfactants (deceth-8), amphoteric surfactants (cocamidopropyl betaine), preservatives (potassium sorbate, phenoxyethanol), perfume
  • Also contains: aqua, sodium chloride, citric acid, glycerin
  • Dk: indeholder: 15-30% anioniske overfladeaktive stoffer (sodium laureth sulfate), <5% non-ioniske overfladeaktive stoffer (deceth-8), amfotere overfladeaktive stoffer (cocamidopropyl betaine), konserveringsmidler (potassium sorbate, phenoxyethanol), parfume
  • Indeholder også: aqua, sodium chloride, citric acid, glycerin
  • Silki: indehåller: 15-30% anjontensider (sodium laureth sulfate), <5% nonjontensider (deceth-8), amfotäramí tensider (cocamidopropyl betaine), konserveringsmedel (potassium sorbate, phenoxyethanol), parfym
  • Lnnehåller också: aqua, sodium chloride, citric acid, glycerin
  • No: inneholder: 1 5-30% anioniske overflateaktive stoffer (sodium laureth sulfate), <5% ikke-ioniske overflateaktive stoffer (deceth-8), amfoterte overflateaktive stoffer (cocamidopropyl betaine), konserveringsmidler (potassium sorbate, phenoxyethanol), parfyme.inneholder også: aqua, sodium chloride, citric acid, glycerin
  • De: enthält: 15-30% anionische tenside (sodium laureth sulfatel), <5% nichtionische tenside (deceth-8), amphotere tenside (cocamidopropyl betaine), konservierungsstoffe (potassium sorbate, phenoxyethanol), parfüm
  • Enthält auch: aqua, sodium chloride, citric acid, glycerin
  • Fr: contient: 15-30% : agents de surface anioniques, <5% : agents de surface non ioniques, agents de surface amphotères, conservateurs (potassium sorbate, phenoxyethanol), parfum
  • Contient aussi: aqua, sodium chloride, citric acid, glycerin
  • Nl: bevat: 15-30% anionogene oppervlakteactieve stoffen (sodium laureth sulfate). <5% niet-ionogene oppervlakteactieve stoffen (deceth-8), amfotere oppervlakteactieve stoffen (cocamidopropyl betaine). conserveringsmiddelen (potassium sorbate, phenoxyethanol), parfum
  • Bevat ook: aqua, sodium chloride, citric acid, contiene: 15- 30% tensioactivos aniónicos (sodium laureth sulfate). <5% tensioactivos no iónicos (deceth-8), tensioactivos anfotéricos (cocamidopropyl betaine), conservantes (potassium sorbate, phenoxyethanol), perfumes.también contiene: aqua, sodium chloride, citric acid, glycerin.
  • Mál: 8 x 11 x 23,5 cm
Upplýsingar um vöru

Surprise a loved one with a thoughtful gift. This gift box from Meraki consists of essentials for your kitchen. A dish soap and a wooden dish brush. The dish soap is called Herbal Nest and carries the Nordic Ecolabel. It has a light, herbal scent with notes of sage, citrus and musk. Made of bamboo, the dish brush has been given a black stain that lets the wood grain shine through. The handle gives you a comfortable grip while the brush itself is replaceable to prolong the longevity of the dish brush. This gift box is the art of easy gift giving.

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