TÍMABUNDIÐ TILBOÐ! 2,199 kr. auka afsláttur af pöntun þinni þegar keyptar er tvær eða fleiri vörur fyrir 12,999 kr. Notaðu kóðann: FORYOU. Tilboðið er ekki hægt að sameina með öðrum kóðum við greiðslu. Afslættinum er dreift yfir allar vörurnar þínar.
Afhending 2-3 virkir dagar*
Hröð afhending
Sendingarkostnaður frá 1.590 kr
Auðveld skil
Auðveld skil 30 daga
Dishwasher safe
Um vöruna
Hæð: 6.5 cm
Breidd: 13 cm
Lengd: 17.7 cm
Efni: acrylonitrile butadiene styrene
Mál: 17,7 x 13 x 6,5 cm
Má ekki fara í örbylgjuofn
Upplýsingar um vöru
For generations, children have used Mepal’s Campus school products for their food and drinks. The lunchbox seals securely and the lid clicks and releases by pressing the button on the front, so there is no risk of the lunchbox opening in the bag. It comes in a multitude of bright and cheery colours and with many different cool and cute designs, for appeal to both girls and boys. ABS is a sturdy and impact-resistant material that has a polished and decorative surface. The product is dishwasher-safe, but cannot be used in the microwave or freezer.