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Cannabis Votive - Ilmkerti

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3.149 kr4.199 kr
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Verslaðu að lágmarki 2 vörur fyrir 9700 kr eða meira! Gildir til: 2024-10-01 22:59 |
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Auðveld skil 30 daga
Afhending 2-3 virkir daga
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  • Orange And Lemon, Fig And Pepper, Sandalwood And Patchouli
Um vöruna
  • Náttúrulegt
Upplýsingar um vöru
Malin+Goetz - Cannabis Votive Candle with their cannabis scent is a synthesis of the sexy, spicy, peppery notes evocative of the cannabis plant. This seductive candle was formulated with our master perfumers to be sensual and provocative. This synthesis does not contain any material from the cannabis plant. The candle can be burned on its own or paired with our citrusy neroli candle. Select ingredients: Top notes of fresh lemon and orange, middle notes of fig and pepper, with a sophisticated base of oakmoss, sandalwood and amber-patchouli. Directions and caution statement: Dark rum candle is exquisite on its own and also beautifully pairs with mojito candle, creating a unique blend and perfect sensory balance of refreshing citrus and mint with the intoxicating notes of rum. Use: Trim wick to ¼” prior to each lighting. Place on safe non-flammable surface. Container will get hot. Keep away from drafts and walls. Burn no more than 2-3 hours at a time. Discontinue use when ½” of wax remains. Caution: Never leave unattended. Burn within sight. Keep away from flammable items. Keep out of reach of children and pets.
Efni: orange, lemon, fig, pipar, sandalwood, patchouli, náttúrulegt býflugnavax, vegetables, soja waxes
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Allar snyrtivörur afhendast innsiglaðar. Af heilsu- og hreinlætisástæðum er ekki hægt að skila vörum ef innsigli hefur verið rofið af viðskiptavin.Sýna fleira
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