Lyngby Vase H15.5 cm swirl white mouth blown glass - Lítill vasi
10.599 kr
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Dishwasher safe
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Hæð: 15.5 cm
⌀: 8.5 cm
Hönnuður: Karakter Copenhagen
Efni: munnblásísalð gler
Upplýsingar um vöru
A beautiful fusion of design heritage and a modern swirl effect that refreshes. With the Lyngby series’ unique swirl vase, you get simple, stylish, and sculptural glass magic, as we know it from Lyngby Porcelæn, where archival design, classic forms, and pure aesthetics unfold with lines of perfection in an elegant swirling design. With the vases’ swirl pattern, the iconic fluted design is expanded with a much livelier version, where a bit of nature’s dynamic form and richness of detail has been added. In line with nature’s diversity, all the vases are also different in expression, as the glass colours are applied individually, creating a completely natural unique feeling that perfectly matches contemporary interior trends. Each swirl is applied by specially trained glassblowers who manually apply the colour in a spiral around the hot glass before the vase is mouth-blown. This process is very complex and means that each swirl is unique to each vase. Across the entire series, you can really sense how the swirl is a craftsmanship detail that contributes to both the individual expression and the tactile experience. You can feel the swirl both on the outside of the vase and as a raised detail on the inside. Together with Lyngby Porcelæn’s characteristic lines of perfection, the swirl vases truly give you the feeling of owning a very special unique product. In addition to this vase, which is 15.5 cm in height, the swirl vases are also available in two other already well-known sizes of 20.5 cm and 25 cm, matching the rest of the Lyngby series. Use them together or separately for seasonal flowers – or without. Each stands as an independent design element, but they naturally complement each other perfectly. Think creatively and perhaps use a couple of the smaller vases as the final touch on the dining table and around the home, for example, on the coffee table, bedside table, or small side table – or as stylish storage for your writing utensils. All swirl vases come with the iconic logo at the bottom, ensuring you have the genuine vase design – from Lyngby Porcelæn.
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