Lyngby Tura Tealight holder Ø8 cm white - Kertastjakar
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3.359 kr
5.599 kr
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Hæð: 6.5 cm
⌀: 8 cm
Hönnuður: Philip Bro Ludvigsen
Efni: postulíni
Upplýsingar um vöru
Elegant shapes, edge and plenty of attitude. With this Tura tealight holder, you get simple, stylish and decorative sculptural art as we know it from Lyngby Porcelæn, where archive design, classic shapes, patterns and pure aesthetics come together perfectly. The tealight holder measures 7 cm in height and is designed to almost draw the candle into the top hemisphere. The iconic Lyngby grooves follow the distinctive shapes of the candlestick, creating a modern look in the contrast between the stringent and the soft. And the detail with the hemispheres that meet in a narrow band also gives the tealight holder a lightness that fits perfectly into a modern interior. With its voluminous design and personality, the Tura tealight holder is certain to steal all the attention in the room and is almost a sculpture in itself.
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