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Luminous Bronze SelfTan Drops - Dropar
4.484 kr
5.979 kr
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Skin typeHúðgerð
  • All skin types
Upplýsingar um vöru

Concentrated tanwithoutsun drops to mix with a daily facial cream. gradually builds up an even and natural goldenbrown tone. the concentrated formula makes it easy to control the color intensity and result. ingredients that invigorate and even out the color leave the skin glowing and looking healthy without any damaging effect from the sun. enriched with allantoin to provide an astringent, soothing and moisturizing effect

Hvernig skal nota:
Mix 1–5 drops into serum or facial cream and apply daily until the desired result is achieved. then 2 drops every day or every other day to maintain the color.
Sjá meira frá sömu vörulínu hér
Upplýsingar um framleiðanda
  • Framleiðandi: Dermarome AB
  • Póstfang: Rosenlundsgatan 50 118 63 Stockholm, Sweden
  • Rafrænt heimilisfang:
Vörunúmer:227283847 - 7350073862597