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Le Mini Macaron

Nail File (6-in-1 Peel Off)
599 kr
799 krÞú sparar 200 kr
Afhending 2-3 virkir daga
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Auðveld skil
Auðveld skil 30 daga
Til 15. janúar
Um vöruna
  • Long-Lasting - Bullet point
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This double-sided nail file comes with 3 layers per side. Use it as a regular nail file to shape, file, and prep your nails for your next manicure. BUT unlike a regular nail file, once you've used up one side, you don't need to throw it out just yet. Simply peel back the used layer to reveal a fresh layer underneath. This way, you get 6 nail files in one!
This file is more convenient, long-lasting, and environmentally friendly compared to other nail files - and with 6 fun LMM designs on each layer, you'll also be inspired for your next manicure!

Hvernig skal nota:
1. Grab the nail file and begin to shape your nails to your desired form. Be careful not to file too much or too hard, especially if you have thin or fragile nails. 2. Once you have used up a layer on one side of the file, you can easily peel off the used layer to reveal a new layer underneath. Remember to be cautious and take your time when filing your nails. Grit: 180/180
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