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Kid's Concept

Farmhouse AIDEN
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4.874 kr6.499 kr
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Verslaðu að lágmarki 2 vörur fyrir 9700 kr eða meira! Gildir til: 2024-12-08 23:59 |
Afhending 2-3 virkir daga
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Auðveld skil
Auðveld skil 30 daga
Til 15. janúar
2+ Ár2+ Ár
Um vöruna
  • Hæð: 20 cm
  • Breidd: 19 cm
  • Lengd: 33.5 cm
  • Aðvörun: Warning. This product contains small parts that are hazardous to children under 3 years when unassembled. Adult assembly required. During assembly, children should be kept away from the product due to possible risk of injury. Check regularly that all screws are tight and that all parts are intact. Do not use this item if any components are missing or damaged.
  • Efni: plywood, beyki, sítrus, nælon
  • Mál: 33 x 19 x 20 cm
Upplýsingar um vöru

Embark on a delightful farm adventure with this wooden farmhouse that features two inviting levels. The house includes a sliding door, cut-out windows, and energy-efficient solar panels on the roof for a self-sustaining play experience. The front roof is removable, flipping over to reveal a hidden flower meadow for the animals to frolic in. A functional winch, complete with a magnetic 'hook,' allows hay bales to be hoisted up. The set is complete with a ladder and two fences, ensuring endless farmyard scenarios. When playtime is over, the hay bales can be neatly stored on the upper level. This farmhouse is a charming addition to any playroom, promising hours of imaginative countryside fun.

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