* Recycled polyester. * Biodegradable TPU coating. * Multifunctional system. *100% waterproof with welded seams. * Swedish Award-Winning design. Roll up, roll down, zip, unzip. Let it rain, let it pour. It really doesn’t make a difference with the Everyday Rolltop. No matter the circumstance, this backpack will adjust to you. It is a hybrid solution filling the gap between top-of-the-line runners gear and the everyday backpack. Going for a run? Need to carry extra gear? No worries! Add a Waist pocket belt to decrease weight from your back and get easy-access pockets. Winner of ISPO Awards 2022.
B Corp™
"Þetta merki er B Corp™.
B Corp Certification™ er merking þess að fyrirtæki uppfylli háa staðla um sannreynda frammistöðu, ábyrgð og gagnsæi varðandi allt frá kjörum starfsmanna og fjárframlögum til aðfangakeðjuvenja og efna. Frá og með 2024 eru meira en 450 B Corps í fata-, leður-, skartgripa- og húsgagnaiðnaðinum og meira en 8000 B Corps á heimsvísu.