Cluedo Clue Sabotage on the High Seas, An Escape & Solve Mystery Game, Board Game for Ages 10+ - Borðspil
4.096 kr
4.819 kr
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Afhending 2-3 virkir dagar*
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Meðhöndlunargjald frá 1.590 kr
Auðveld skil
Auðveld skil 30 daga
9-11 Ár
Um vöruna
Viðvörun: Hæfir ekki börnum undir þriggja ára aldri
Efni: pappír, pólýprópýlen
Mál: 27 x 20 x 7 cm
Aðvörun: Aldur 10 ára og upp fyrir 1-6 leikmenn
Upplýsingar um vöru
You’ve accepted an invitation to an all-expenses-paid vacation aboard the Lady Marigold II luxury yacht, a sought-after casino owned by Captain Melville. One night, a storm rolls in and the captain is spotted face down in the sea! As the boat takes on water, you and your fellow players are put to the test: Work together to escape the yacht and determine who pushed the captain overboard, where it happened, and why. The Clue Sabotage on the High Seas Escape & Solve Mystery board game combines the intrigue and characters of the classic murder mystery game Clue with a riveting escape room experience. Players move their pawns around the gameboard that's built room-by-room, as they explore the yacht, draw cards, solve puzzles, unlock new rooms on the ship, and use deduction to uncover clues. After escaping the yacht, players review the clues to make a correct accusation and win the game! This fun family board game is for 1-6 players, ages 10+, and makes a great gift for mystery fans.