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Teddy 30 cm - Willie the whale Grey
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5.579 kr
Afhending 2-3 virkir daga
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Auðveld skil
Auðveld skil 30 daga
Til 15. janúar
0+ Ár0+ Ár
Um vöruna
  • 100% lífrænn bómull (prjóna), fylling: 100% arómatískt pólýester
  • Mál: 15 x 33 x 21 cm
Upplýsingar um vöru

Willie the whale is just one of our many animals, designed with the Nordic nature in mind. With the heart in each animal, we have created a collection, with a lot of fine and recognizable Nordic animals, for decoration in the children's room and for many hours of play.
Willie the whale is a cute handmade knitted whale of 30 cm, designed with lifelike eyes and blue ribbons that illustrates water splashes. The whale has a good size for kids in all ages, and is a good hugging friend or just a faithful companion.
The whale is knitted in soft 100% organic cotton with a fine structure, and filled with 100% recycled polyester. With its sweet face, the whale quickly creates a relationship to the child.
As the whale is handmade, the expression may vary slightly from the picture.

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