Please note that every item is unique and varies in color, size and/or shape
Mál: 15,2 x 22,4 x 16,8 cm
Upplýsingar um vöru
These pretty apple boxes, designed by Monica Ritterband, are a modern offering of the classic apple boxes, which we have known ann harvested fruit in for generations. However, the boxes can be used for so much more than fruit, which is why Monica Ritterband decided to design four different sizes, which can be used for storage and to keep order of ones private things. Larger and smaller things. The solid oak gives the boxes a beautiful surface and a sensual effect, whether they are placed in the garden or the living room.
Ábyrg skógrækt
Þessi vara hefur gengist undir vottunarferli sem leggur áherslu á enga eyðingu skóga, samfélagsréttindi, verndun á líffræðilegum fjölbreytileika og sanngjörn laun. Nánari upplýsingar um þessa vöru er að finna í samsetningu efnisins hér fyrir ofan. Þú getur lesið meira um hvaða vottanir Boozt hefur hér.