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Sippy Kit Healthy + Rose Pink - Drykkjarmál

817 kr
1.090 kr
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TÍMABUNDIÐ TILBOÐ! 2,199 kr. auka afsláttur af pöntun þinni þegar keyptar er tvær eða fleiri vörur fyrir 12,999 kr. Notaðu kóðann: FORYOU. Tilboðið er ekki hægt að sameina með öðrum kóðum við greiðslu. Afslættinum er dreift yfir allar vörurnar þínar.

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Þetta sett inniheldur:
  • 1
Freezer safeFreezer safe
Um vöruna
  • Efni: 100% food grade sílikon, pólýprópýlen
  • Mál: 11,1 x 6,7 x 5,7 cm
Upplýsingar um vöru
(Contains one Easy grip handle and one Spill free spout) TRANSFORM THE BOTTLE INTO A CUP The Sippy Kit transforms your baby bottle into a sippy cup and extends the use of your baby bottles. Our handles fit all baby bottles from us as well as most wide-neck ones on the market and transform them into a cup in an instant. SPILL-FREE Whether your child prefers to drink upright or upside down, there will be no waste - our spout is guaranteed to be spill-free! GENTLE TO THE GUM The drinking pipe is specially designed to be gentle to delicate gums. SILICONE - THE CHOICE FOR YOUR BABY Our Spill Free Spout is made of 100% food grade silicone, free from any substance that can harm your child. EASY TO HOLD Thanks to the ergonomic design the handle is easy for your child to hold. FREE FROM HARMFUL SUBSTANCES Our Spill-Free Spout Healthy + is 100% food grade approved. Our handles are carefully tested and completely free from substances that can harm your child. EVERYDAY BABY – THE HEALTHY BRAND We use the best materials to create the healthiest products for your baby and child for a good and healthy life! Third-party tested and approved for the current standard, EN 14350, by Tüf Rheinland. Description: Sippy Kit Healthy + Time to learn how to drink out of a cup? Children grow fast and soon it’s time to leave the baby bottle to start drinking from a mug. But you don't have to buy everything new. With our Sippy Kit, you turn the baby bottle into a cup in an instant. It fits all our baby bottles and most wide-neck baby bottles on the market. The Spill Free Spout is specially designed to be comfortable and gentle to your child's sensitive gum. It is also guaranteed spill-free. In other words, you don’t have to worry about spotted clothes or floors. The handle is ergonomic, which makes it easy to grip and easy for your child to hold. Besides, it has been carefully tested to meet our high demands on materials, durability and function. Everyday Baby Spill Free Spout Healthy + is a safe and healthy choice for your child. Features and benefits: • Spill Free • Made of soft food grade silicone • Gentle on your child's sensitive gum • Free from BPA, BPS, BPF and phthalates • Ergonomic design • Fits all bottles from Everyday Baby • Tested by TÜF • Meets the requirements for the European standard, EN 14350 One package contains one Easy Grip Handle and one Spill free spout Microwave: No Oven: No Dishwasher: Yes Steam sterilizer: Yes Sterilization: Yes
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Upplýsingar um framleiðanda
  • Framleiðandi: Everyday Baby
  • Póstfang: 29136
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Vörunúmer:226457528 - 7350077264458