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Hröð afhending - Sendingarkostnaður frá 1.590 kr2-3 virkir dagarAuðveld skil 30 dagar - 2.300 kr

Laundry bag Light grey - Þvottakörfur

13.799 kr
Afhending 2-3 virkir daga
Fast delivery - Shipping fee 1.590 kr
Auðveld skil
Auðveld skil 30 daga
Oven safeOven safe
Um vöruna
  • Hæð: 71.8 cm
  • Breidd: 28.3 cm
  • Lengd: 44.5 cm
  • Efni: beechwood, plast, pólýester
  • Rúmmál: 75.0 l
Upplýsingar um vöru

Stow laundry away instantly in a functional all-in-one laundry basket, storage hamper and transport bag. This decorative laundry bag in a refined shade of grey has a practical beechwood carrying handle, allowing the bag to be easily carried into a basement laundry room, for example. Snaps shut easily thanks to the magnetic closure and stands upright without collapsing.
Easy to clean. Simply wipe the nylon lining with a well-wrung damp cloth and maintain the beechwood handle by oiling it regularly.

Sjá meira frá sömu vörulínu hér
Upplýsingar um framleiðanda
  • Framleiðandi: Eva Solo
  • Póstfang: Måløv Teknikerby 18-20, DK-2760 Måløv
  • Rafrænt heimilisfang:
Vörunúmer:226548100 - 5706631219563