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Harry Potter

LEGO Hermione Granger plush toy
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7.269 kr
Afhending 2-3 virkir daga
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Auðveld skil 30 daga
Til 15. janúar
0+ Ár0+ Ár
Um vöruna
  • Harry Potter
  • LEGO
  • Mál: 17.8 x 9 x 31 cm
Upplýsingar um vöru

Kids will have a magical time engaging with the LEGO® Hermione Granger™ plush character, perhaps in replicating their favorite scenes from the many J.K. Rowling's best-selling Harry Potter™ books and Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Harry Potter films featuring this brilliantly minded and caring character or in creating alternative stories of adventure at Hogwarts™ or pretending to overcome the difficulties of petrification, adding a depth of play to their imaginative childhood experience. Put another brick in your little one’s foundation of imagination and creative self-expression with this inspiring toy from Manhattan Toy, under license from the LEGO Group. With a soft body and flat feet, plush Minifigures stand upright on shelves as collectible room décor when not part of playtime action. Unlike classic LEGO toys though, these plush Minifigures do not have moveable arms or legs but rather, they are made for soft toy play and snuggling.

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